Rodent Numbers

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Stretched Canvas Art

It feels like I haven't updated in ages, but really it's only a week! I've recently tried painting on stretched canvas and I'm finding it quite addictive actually (although the only problem is they take up far more room... At the moment they're all stacked on my scanner for lack of space!) The seascape one was drawn when I needed a break from fur! I actually really enjoyed creating it, it's a more simplistic style but not having to focus on tiny details was a good break from animals.
This one was based on a rescue dog called Rosie. She's a lovely natured dog and walks beautifully. Plus, I just love German Shepherds! This picture took about eight hours in total with many moments of 'arrgggh I want to give up!' I like the end result but the beginning... well it was a fight to stay and carry on (I must have changed the background and fur colour uncountably times!)
This one was based on my own cat (although she looks brown tinged in the summer, maybe due to the sun!)
All of the above were painted in acrylics. And to leave you with some rodents, the adults as they pea-fished the other week.

Oh and also, last few hours for some of my original art/pendants on eBay! Click me! - The Blogging Rat


Rachel said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love the pea fishing video!

Bewildermunster said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

That video is so cute! The way they use their little hands is sooo cute! Makes me want a rat, but I think I'm determined to get a bunny next!

WolfySilver said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Thanks :D They got water everywhere when I had to clear up after xD

WolfySilver said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

@Bewildermunster (Jess)
I'd quite like a rabbit myself but it would have to be sometime in the future when I didn't have rats so I had enough time for it. But... I can't imagine living without rats either so who knows! XD